The Fresh Breath Secret

Holde dine tænder og din tunge fri for bakterier vil forhindre dårlig ånde. Spise pastiller og slik sødet med sukker giver bakterier den mad, de har brug for at producere syre og at fremstille forbindelser, der lugter forfærdeligt. Vælge 100% xylitol sødet tyggegummi, slik, pastiller og mundspray at være mest effektiv mod dårlig ånde. Vær sikker på at børste eller forsigtigt skrabe tungen hver dag for at undgå bakterier oprustning og forbindelser der forårsager dårlig ånde. Four Steps to Being More Kissable Strive for five exposures to 100% xylitol sweetened products each day Clean your tongue with toothbrush, scraper or even a washcloth Starting cleaning between your teeth with sticks, picks or floss with water Dry brush inside bottom teeth first, børste Til tænder føles ren og smag ren, derefter børste igen med 100% xylitol sweetened...

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Xylitol Secret

Xylitol is a sweet way to beat the bacteria that cause dental disease. Xylitol is a natural sugar that prevents tooth decay and gum disease by making the bacteria slippery instead of sticky. Bacteria usually make acid from sugar that helps them stick to each other and to your teeth. The acid also melts tooth enamel, causing cavities. Bacteria can’t make acid from xylitol, so they simply slide off the teeth and tooth decay is prevented. Strive for five exposures to xylitol each day – spread out over the entire day. Start with xylitol toothpaste in the morning, xylitol oral rinse, xylitol chewing gum after meals, xylitol mints or candy after snacks and finish up the day the way you started it with xylitol toothpaste and oral...

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Den Tandtråd Secret

Vand,,en,sticks og pluk kan bruges lettere end floss og forhindre sygdom lige så godt,,en, sticks and picks can be used easier than floss and prevent disease just as well.

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Tandpasta Secret

Alle børster med tandpasta,,en,men hjælper det virkelig med at få tænderne rene,,en,Nej det gør det ikke,,en,Tandpasta gør så mange bobler,,en,Du kan ikke se, hvor du lægger børsten,,en,Tandpastaen skummer op så hurtigt, du tror, ​​du børstede i tre minutter,,en,men det er kun,,en,sekunder,,en,Og værst af alt,,en,tandpasta smag numbs din tunge og tricks dig ind i at tænke dine tænder er rene, når de ikke er,,en,Tør børste først, indtil dine tænder bliver rene og smag rene,,en,derefter tilsæt tandpasta,,en, but does it really help get your teeth clean? No it doesn’t. Toothpaste makes so many bubbles, you can’t see where you put the brush. The toothpaste foams up so fast you think you brushed for three minutes, but it’s only 30 seconds. And worst of all, the toothpaste flavor numbs your tongue and tricks you into thinking your teeth are clean when they aren’t. Dry brush first until your teeth feel clean and taste clean, then add...

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